

  • At Main Street Idaho, we believe in fostering economic prosperity for all Idahoans. We champion policies that promote business growth, job creation, and financial success, ultimately leading to a thriving economy.

  • We firmly support the principles of free markets, competition, and limited government intervention. We advocate for policies that encourage fair market competition, remove unnecessary regulations, and create an environment where innovation and entrepreneurship can flourish.

  • Main Street Idaho is committed to safeguarding individual liberty and personal freedoms. We believe in protecting the rights of individuals to make their own choices, pursue their own aspirations, and enjoy the fruits of their labor without undue government interference.

  • We advocate for a limited and accountable government that respects the constitutional rights of its citizens. We work towards reducing bureaucratic red tape, streamlining government processes, and ensuring fiscal responsibility to protect taxpayers' hard-earned money.

  • We prioritize responsible fiscal policies that promote a balanced budget, reduce government waste, and ensure efficient use of taxpayer dollars. We believe in prudent financial management to safeguard Idaho's long-term economic stability.

  • Guided by common-sense conservative principles, we uphold traditional values, personal responsibility, and respect for the rule of law. We strive to maintain the cultural heritage and moral fabric that has shaped Idaho's identity and success.

These principles form the foundation of Main Street Idaho's mission and guide our decision-making as we work towards fostering economic growth, promoting individual prosperity, and shaping a brighter future for Idaho.